Copyright and Licensing
Copyright and Licensing
The copyright is kept by the authors for every article published in Alijtihed for legal and economic studies. The articles are released under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, which permits anybody to freely download and study the work. In addition, the article may be reproduced and cited, provided that the original published version is referenced. These rules allow for the maximum usage and dissemination of the work while ensuring that the authors are appropriately credited.
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It is imperative that authors seek permission to reproduce any published content (figures, schemes, tables, or any text portion) that is not in the public domain or for which they do not have a copyright. The authors must get permission from the copyright holder, usually the publisher.
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- Rebuilding your own table utilizing data previously published elsewhere. Remember to follow that in this situation, you must cite the source of the data in the form of either "Data from..." or "Modified from...".
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Obtaining Authorization:
To avoid unnecessary delays in the publication process, you should begin obtaining authorization immediately. If there is any doubt regarding the copyright, authorization must be requested. Without authorization, Dirasat: Educational Sciences cannot publish material from other publications.
The owner of the copyright may provide you with specific instructions regarding the format of the acknowledgment; otherwise, use the following format: "Replicated with authorization from [author], [book/journal title]; published by [publisher], [year]" at the end of the caption of the Table, Figure, or Scheme.