
  • Volume Thirteen / Issue Two of Alijtihed Journals, June 2024 (Serial Number: 38)
    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024)

    The issue in the Arabic Language Studies Department covered the topic:

    Establishing civil liability for artificial intelligence applications in Omani legislation - an analytical study, and the role of artificial intelligence applications in improving the financial sector, and artificial intelligence is a modern innovation mechanism for digital education in the world - the digital school as a model, and the legislative balance between protecting the interest of the debtor and the group of creditors through the bankruptcy system, and the law Consumer Protection No. (1) of the year (2010) is a comparative analytical study, the role of the Algerian port community system in developing the maritime goods transport sector, the flexibility aspects of the TRIPS Agreement as a tool for transferring technology to developing countries, the right to use as a form of the use of compulsory common money, and public expenses. Economic within the Ninth Five-Year Plan 2016-2020 AD in the Sultanate of Oman “Causes and effects, objective protection of the sanctity of private life, and crimes of incest in the family according to Algerian legislation - a comparative study, and social integration programs for released prisoners, and human trafficking - the concept and combat mechanisms - within the framework of Law 23-04, and the classification of jurisprudential issues according to the Maliki jurists in the eighth century AH, the extent of the suitability of the work for personalization according to the Malikis as an independent evidence for them, and the interest that is transmitted in the Ibadi doctrine and its contemporary applications, the insurance contract and copyright as an example, and the approach of the Algerian Media Law 23-14 to theoretical principles. Social responsibility - an analytical study

    In the Department of Foreign Language Studies:

    • The role of penal mediation in achieving restorative justice
    • The Right to Withdraw as a Mechanism for Protecting the Satisfaction of the Electronic Consumer
    • The role of knowledge management in developing intellectual capital Case study of the Université of Tamanrasset
    • The extent of application of the Algerian Standard for Auditing 230 “ Audit Documents” by the auditors
    • Artificial Intelligence and its Effect on Labor Market-with Reference to the Area of Middle East and North Africa
    • The Integration of Revelation and Reason in the Qur’an A thematic exegetical study
  • Volume Twelve / The third issue of Alijtihed Journals, June 2023 (Serial Number: 36)
    Vol. 12 No. 03 (2023)

    The Arabic Studies department publication covered the topic of

    Criminal protection of copyright in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of Vision 2030, and Criminal liability for environmental pollution offences, and Administrative Punishment Guarantees in Omani  Legislation "Customs Law as a Model", and Comparative Analytical Study, and Parliamentary notification in Algerian legislation and its role in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, and Judicial control over the legal system of electoral lists in the maghreb countries ( Algeria, tunisia, morocco), and Environmental refugee: a challenge to international law, and Provisions of the crime of leaving the family House in Algerian legislation, and Punitive classification of inmates in penitentiary institutions between the goals of punishment and human rights, and Immediate appearance is a budget procedure to follow up on misdemeanors in Algerian legislation, and The specificity and procedural privatization of customs reconciliation and its effects according to the latest amendments in Algerian customs legislation, and (Preventive mechanisms and procedural rules developed to combat illegal speculation in low No: 15-21) , and The distribution of jurisdiction among the administrative judiciary structures in Algeria after the 2022 judicial reform and the creation of the administrative courts of appeal, and The legal system of administrative courts of appeal. (organization and jurisdiction), and Evaluating the performance of the public servant under Executive Decree 19-165, and Incentive systems as a mechanism to encourage investment in the light of Law 22/18 related to investment , and The role of the legislator and the judge in restoring the financial balance of the contract, and The role of the juge in the field of recognition and execution of international commercial arbitration, and Appeal against the judgments of international commercial arbitration in the Algerian legislation, and The Husband's Right to Obedience Under Ordinance 05-02 amending the Family Code, and The role of atonement in enhancing social solidarity, the sample of ‘ ouran’ the charitable atonement discharge and management project, and " Electronic Commerce- a study in Law 18_05-", and human rights)  A theoretical approach to concept and characteristics), and The phenomenon of illegal immigration in the Euro-Mediterranean region - the case of Algeria, and Behavioral problems in the school environment, and coping mechanisms established in the legislation, and The theoretical framework of the relationship between brand personality and the consumer behavior, and Bank of Algeria's monetary policy and assessment of its contribution to the management of the cash supply and the reduction of inflation for the period 2000-2014, and The Importance of Fiscal checking For Management in Fiscal Administration - An Applied Study in  the The First November Tax Inspectorate , Ghardaia, and The role of quality management in achieving the competitiveness of the enterprise. Case study of the Sonelgaz Foundation in Saida, and Analytical study of energy consumption on total exports in Algeria during the period 2000-2019, and The shift to electronic commerce during the Corona pandemic between necessity and privilege - Alibaba Complex as a model -, and The Effect of Applying the Managerial Enablement Strategy on the Employees’ Performance at the National Agency for Developing Entrepreneurship – Tamnerast agency –, and Algerian state's strategy to promote exports : from economic openness to trade policy in favour of exports outside the hydrocarbon sector, and.

    In the Department of Foreign Language Studies:

    The Use of Modern Tools to Enhance Communication Skills of Managers During the Strategy Process

    L’endettement extérieur pour remplacer le financement non conventionnel en Algérie ? 

  • Volume Thirteen / First issue of Alijtihed Journals, January 2024 (Serial Number: 37)
    Vol. 13 No. 01 (2024)

    The Arabic Studies department publication covered the topic of

    Cyber Threats And Information Crimes, And The Legal Framework For Technology Transfer Contracts, And Legal Framework For Internet Service Providers Under Law 04-09, Which Includes Specific Provisions Aimed At Preventing, And Fighting Crimes Related To Information Technology And Communication ,And The Legal System For The Voting Process Is In Accordance With Organic Law 21-01 Relating To The Election System, And Juvenile Police As A Mechanism To Activate The Principles Of Criminal Justice And, Suspending The Execution As A Method Of Unique Punishment, And The Attribution Of Criminal Responsibility Of The Legal Person In Investment Crimes, And A Study In Algerian Legislation Problems Of Customary Marriages Of Missing Persons In Algerian Legislation, And Mechanisms For Praparing And, Desingning The State Budget Throught The Medium-Term Budgetary Framework In Light Of The Implementation Of The New Finance Law 18-15 ''An Analytical Study'', And The Academic Elite Reliance On Social Media As A Source Of Information During The Elections Of Constitution's Reform On November 1st, 2020, And Teachers Of Ghardaia University As A Case Study,  And Financial Information Systems And Their Role In Decision-Making, And Case Study Of Sonelgaz Company In Tamanrasset, And The Role Of Job Empowerment In Improving Individuals ' S Performance _ Case Study Of The Inspectorate Of Customs Departments In Tamanrasset –, And The State Of E-Commerce Indicators In Algeria And, Business Strategy According To Taylor's Principles On The Web To Create A Competitive Advantage For The Organization- An Analytical Study Of The Facebook Page Of A « Mahbouba » Organization, And Small And Medium Enterprises Algeria - Reality And Expectations - An Analytical Study During The Period 2006-2019,  And The Role Of Strategic Management In Raising The Efficiency Of The Financial Performance (An Applied Study On Algeria Telecom Company).

    In the Department of Foreign Language Studies:

    The Crime Of Breach Of Trust.

  • Volume Twelve / The second issue of Alijtihed Journals, May 2023 (Serial Number: 35)
    Vol. 12 No. 02 (2023)

    Languages are the first source of communication between us. Through them we share our thoughts and ideas. There are thousands of languages in the world, and countries have their official and national languages, in addition to regional languages. It is worth noting that there are groups of languages spoken by millions of people, and in contrast there are languages spoken by only a few thousand.

              English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, every month groups of people embark on learning the language of Shakespeare. Why is it so popular ?

    Some estimates indicate that there are over 1.5 billion people speaking English across the world, according to 2015 statistics. English is the official language in a total of 67 in the world’s 195 countries and a second language in 27 states. Moreover, the total number of people who use English regularly is about 850 million (342 million people as their mother tongue, 508 million as a secondary language).

               The English language is originally from England. Throughout history and the efforts of the British Empire, it became the first or second official language of many British colonies, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and India. The economic and cultural success of this empire, especially between 1783 and 1914, benefited greatly from the influence of the English language.

    English is a primary language in the field of education. In many countries, children are taught in English and encouraged to speak it as a second language.

                 Especially in developing countries where education benefits from international aid. Moreover, even in countries that have not worked to include it as an official language, such as the Netherlands or Sweden, most science or engineering programs and undergraduate research are in English. It should be noted that at the university, many students take courses in the English language, as the English language makes education easier for as many people as possible.