The Legal protection for the electronic consumer in the Algerian Legislation

The Legal protection for the electronic consumer in the Algerian Legislation


  • Mohammed ELFODDA جامعة تامنغست مؤلف
  • Tahar Nouacer جامعة تامنغست مؤلف


الكلمات المفتاحية:

electronic signature، electronic certification، sevice، product، consumer’s right، e-consumer، e-commerce، e-contract


In light of the growth of contracts concluded through electronic means, the danger and threat of the consumer in the face of the professional has grown.

 Due to the latter's knowledge and technical expertise. Therefore, the legislator finds himself obliged to provide the necessary protection to the electronic consumer, as he is a weak party in this contractual relationship.

In addition to the legal protection provided by the texts of traditional laws to the uninitiated, the legislator seeks to provide more protection through special texts. The Algerian legislator has embodied this through the provisions of Law 15-04 related to electronic signature and certification as a mechanism to protect the electronic consumer.




كيفية الاقتباس

The Legal protection for the electronic consumer in the Algerian Legislation: The Legal protection for the electronic consumer in the Algerian Legislation. (2023). مجلة الاجتهاد للدراسات القانونية والاقتصادية, 12(02), 97-111.